
Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Walt Disney! Photo tour of Walt's Studio's and Houses!

Walt would have been 110 today! So, besides having a giveaway for Bambi on blu-ray (Click the link to enter the contest!), I thought I would share with you a few photos of Walt's early days in Southern California!

This first photo is where Walt's first "studio" is now. This was in LA but was moved here to the Garden Grove Historical Society.
This next photo is of the actual garage.
This is Uncle Robert's house where Walt and Roy lived when they first moved out to California. This is the original home of the garage studio.
This is where Walt and Roy both moved from Uncle Robert's house. It is right across the street!
The first actual studio! The Kingswell Studio!
Inside the Kingswell Studio!
Walt and Roy then eventually moved and bought homes right next door to one another!
The next studio is the Hyperion Studio, now home to a grocery store!
This is the next to last house that Walt lived in.
The last home that Walt lived does not allow people to take photos of, even in front of the gate. This was the home to Walt's Carolwood railroad!

I hope you enjoyed the tour! Happy Birthday Walt and thank you for all that you did!


  1. Cool! Thanks for the share and Happy Birthday Walt Disney! (wonder if my kid knew that today was his birthday...I will have to ask!!)

  2. No it's not Walt's bday today. It's an old article from Dec. 5th which was Walt's bday. I just thought people would like to see some of Walt's homes and some of the studio locations! Sorry for the confusion!
