Monday, March 16, 2020

Craft Time: Dumbo Cutie Papercraft

Dumbo Cutie Papercraft

Time: 15 Minutes

What You’ll Need

  • Regular paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Glue or double-sided tape

How To Make It

  1. Print Dumbo on regular paper or cardstock and cut out the pieces. Make all folds along dashed lines.
  2. Cut out the rectangle where indicated on Dumbo’s head. Fold the dashed line below Dumbo’s eyes toward you, and make the same fold on all sides of Dumbo’s head; all other folds should be made away from you. Using glue or double-sided tape, secure all A tabs to the back of their corresponding pieces. Complete Dumbo’s head by securing the rest of the tabs in alphabetical order.
  3. For Dumbo’s body, fold the dashed line at Dumbo’s neck toward you, and make the same fold on all sides of Dumbo’s body; all other folds should be made away from you. Complete Dumbo’s body by securing all tabs to their corresponding pieces.
  4. Fold all dashed lines on Dumbo’s collar, then secure the tab to the other end of the collar. Slip the collar over Dumbo’s neck, then slip Dumbo’s head onto his neck, stopping at the collar. Make sure the front pieces are lined up.
  5. For Dumbo’s legs, ears, and hat, fold the pieces in half and secure them so the designs are two-sided. Do not stick the tabs together. Instead, butterfly the tabs outward and use them to secure the pieces to Dumbo’s body. Secure Dumbo’s legs to the bottom of his body, making sure the circle in the center of each foot faces forward. Secure Dumbo’s ears to the sides of his head, making sure the pink sides face forward. Secure Dumbo’s hat to the top of his head, a little to one side.


Cutting should be done by an adult.

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