Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Giveaway: Star Wars Planetary Glassware Set to Celebrate May The Fourth Be With You!

Celebrate May The Fourth Be With You by winning this awesome set of Star Wars Planetary Glassware!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We just got the Force Awakens Movie..so i'm thinking we'll watch it

  2. Full on themed snacks and movie marathon


  3. We may celebrate with a lightsaber fight. My son saved up and got a really awesome one from Ultimate Sabers a couple of months ago and I'm sure he will be using it even more on the 4th. :D

  4. We watch the movies all day long.

  5. We have't ever celebrated May The Fourth Be With You Day, but these glasses would be a great start.

  6. I wear a Star Wars t-shirt to work.

  7. We're watching our favorite episode today!

  8. Gather the family together, make some homemade pizza, and have a few cold beverages

  9. Watching A New Hope, wearing star wars t-shirts, making han solo in carbonite chocolates using that awesome mold and this year, reading bloodline before bed

  10. Holy cow this glasses are amazing!!! How have i never seen theses 0_o. Today my whole family will wear Star Wars tees, and watch as many movies as we can (we do have a 6 year old).

  11. I love Harrison Ford, my hubby resembles Harrison Ford a little, I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977...so I celebrated Star Wars day 14 years ago by marrying my hubby on May 4th (not knowing it was/would be "Star Wars Day") - so I celebrate that happy coincidence every year by being thankful for all that I have, for my handsome hubby and for the joy that Star Wars has brought to me and my family.

    1. That's so cool! Happy belated Anniversary! I know the 4th was with you, lol!

  12. By watching all the films of course!

  13. Watched Star Wars and played some Star Wars Battlefront on Xbox One <3

  14. I change all of my social media profiles to Star Wars themed pictures. I also got a Star Wars PJ set on clearance at Target to feel really festive, lol! My BF used to have a huge collection of figures, but we slowly sold them on ebay. We probably would have hung out in the old toy room and just took in the sights!

  15. It's my daughter's birthday my son was dressed like darth vader ha ha

  16. Watching a Star Wars movie.

  17. I normally take a picture of my dogs with their Princess Leia headbands but I was traveling this year and didn't get a chance. 😞

  18. I just drove everyone crazy by saying it all day.

  19. We watched the Force Awakens at home and my 3 yo. son dressed up in his Kylo Ren costume from the Disney Store.
