Thursday, May 21, 2015

Giveaway: Disney's Tomorrowland Pin

Enter to win a pin from Disney's Tomorrowland movie!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would make the world better by paying it forward.

  2. I would make the world a better place by teaching my students to stop bullying and treat others how they want to be treated. I would also make it a better place by doing random acts of kindness.

  3. I would make the world a better place by never giving up anything in life, be kind and teach others good values and forgive the wrong.

  4. I would make sure every person in the world had easy access to healthy food and clean water.

  5. I would make sure that no would would ever be hungry. And always have shelter and clothes and health care.

  6. I would make the world a better place by having everyone treat each other better. If strangers were more open and kind to each other rather than being distant, there would be fewer sad/lonely people out there. Friendship is one of the most powerful things out there. (:

  7. I would make the world a better place by never giving up. And teaching others how to dream big and never doubt yourself. "Us dreamers must stick together."

    Twitter: tonyminaj_69
