Monday, January 19, 2015

Giveaway: $25 Gift Card to Build A Bear!

Win a $25 gift card to Build A Bear!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have one that someone made for me but I'd love my boys to make one themself!

  2. I don't have a Build A Bear but I took my niece to get one. She loves hers!

  3. I love build a bear, it makes such great gifts for my nieces and nephews. I lo e taking them so they can build their own.

  4. My daughters bday is Feb 13 and we took her last year to make her first build a bear(which she choose a giraffe not a bear) so this would be awesome for her!

  5. My daughter has a Build a Bear but my son and I do not, I would love to bring my son and have him choose a new friend!

  6. My daughter loves her Elsa bear from Santa! We'd like to make a bear for her baby sister.

  7. My son has 6 of them. He has toothless, Alvin, a dog, superman bear, spiderman bear, and Captain America bear. now he wants the batman bear and a ninja turtle one.

  8. No, we haven't done this before.

  9. My daughter loves hers!! -Falon-

  10. I would love to take my grand-daughter to make her first build-a-bear!

  11. my daughter has several :) she's gotten one every year on her birthday starting with a special one on the day she was born. It's her favorite tradition! She even got a Pinkie Pie one on my birthday last year lol

  12. Yes I do! I have 2, and my daughters have a few as well.
