Saturday, February 1, 2014

Recipes: How to make Butterbeer at Starbucks!

If you have been to The Wizarding World of Harrry Potter at Islands of Adventure Theme Park in Orlando then I am sure that you have tasted butterbeer! The rich, creamy drink served only there and no where else. There are recipes you can look up and of course, everyone has tweaked it to their tastes and no recipe is better than any other. But some of the recipes are time consuming! We do not have time to waste and here is a quick recipe to make one at your local Starbucks! I have chosen to have some fun with my butterbeer order by having them make one at Disneyland! Yes, I know the Potterverse does not exist in Disney, so I thought it would be funny! But here is the recipe and order it just the way that I have it listed:

1. Get to your local Starbucks by driving, walking or flying your broom!

2. Order a grande Creme Frappuccino with whole milk!

3. Ask for three pumps of caramel syrup!

4. Ask for three pumps of toffee nut syrup! (I've been told that this syrup flavor is seasonal. Does anyone know for sure?)

5. Ask for a caramel drizzle!

6. Give the barista your cool Starbucks name! For such an occasion, I would have given them a name out of the Potterverse, but being in Disneyland I gave them a Disney one!

Yes, my Starbucks name at Disneyland is Master Jedi and they spelled it wrong! But here is the finished product!

You are going to love how smooth and creamy this drink is! Please feel to tweak the recipe anyway you want and let me know what you have come up with! Enjoy!

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