Thursday, September 1, 2011

Win a Lil Yarn Buddies "Lil Oishi" just by being a member on my blog!

I got a ton of positive responses of Lil Oishi from Lil Yarn Buddies! I have decided to have a contest to give two of them away! Lil Yarn Buddies is my friend Anthony Pham's creation and he can create pretty much anything you ask! You can find his group on Facebook! Click on the link below to take you to his group!

Tell him Sasaki Food Time sent you!

The first Lil Oishi giveaway will be for a member on my blog! So, if you are not already following me on my actual blog, what are you waiting for? Simply leave me a comment on this post and let me know you're a member! One lucky person will have his/her name drawn and Lil Oishi will be mailed to you! Good luck!

Contest begins today September 1st through September 30th!